on 25 November, 2013
Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination 2014 - B.Tech Registrations & Application Form for Amrita University located at Amritapuri, Bengaluru and Coimbatore Campus- Notifications, Important Dates & Schedule, Results, Counselling | stupidsid
Amrita University Engg. Entrance 2014 Scheduled on April 13
November 25, 2013 | All India
Amrita University has announced its Engineering Entrance Exam for the academic year 2014-15 on Sunday, April 13, 2014.
Amrita University Engg. Entrance 2014 Scheduled on April 13
November 25, 2013 | All India
Amrita University has announced its Engineering Entrance Exam for the academic year 2014-15 on Sunday, April 13, 2014.
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The Amrita B.Tech Entrance Exam held for its three campuses - Bangalore (Bengaluru), Coimbatore and Amritapuri - will have 120 questions (360 marks) comprising Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Every wrong answered question will cost the candidate a negative mark.
Candidates looking for a 4 year B.Tech graudate program at one of these campuses have to appear for the 3 hour entrance test scheduled on April 13, 2014 from 10 am to 1 pm. Application Forms for the entrance test will be available on the official website from December 16, 2013.
Here's the detailed schedule:
- Application Form Registrations (Opening): December 16, 2013
- Last Date to Submit the Applications: March 21, 2014
- Last Date for Receiving filled-in Applications: March 24, 2014
- Exam Date: April 13, 2014 (10 am to 1 pm)
Keep checking this space while we announce all important notifications, news and updates about Amdrita University Entrance Test 2014 and its admissions.
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